Los Seis de Boulder

Los Seis de Boulder are six activists who died in two car bombings in May 1974. Reyes Martinez, his girlfriend Una Jaakola and Neva Romero died on May 27 in the first. On May 29, Florencio Granado, Heriberto Teran, and Francisco Dougherty were killed in the second, and Antonio Alcantar was severely injured. The other Symbols of Resistance are Ricardo Falcon, Luis Junior Martinez, and Carlos Zapata - all who died in the Chicano Movement in Colorado.

Honoring Los Seis de Boulder

On May 27, 1974, Una Jaakola (Psych’73), Reyes Martínez (Law’73) and Neva Romero (A&S ex’75) were killed by a car bomb at Chautauqua Park. Forty-eight hours later, a second car bomb killed Florencio Granado (A&S ex’73), Heriberto Terán (A&S ex’73) and Francisco
May 3, 2024

Retoños de Resistencia – Antonio Alcantar

Antonio Alcantar August 15, 1950Chicuace Ollin6 movimiento6 movement Chicuace is the number six. Chicuace signifies the principle of self-integration through introspection and constant search of knowledge to understand the self. For humans, chicuace is restfulness before putting ideas in order before engaging
April 3, 2024