Retoños de Resistencia – Neva Romero


Neva Romero

January 5, 1953
Matlactli Uan Ce Xochitl
11 Flor
11 Flower

Matlactli Uan Ce is the number eleven. In the evolving symbolism of the Tonalpohualli, the destiny count, eleven represents a momentary rest before ascending spirally to finish the count of los trece numeros del destino. Matlactli Uan Ce is gracefulness, lightness, superficiality, and ease of expression. In nature it is represented by splendor, color, and pleasure. In humans it is the quality of profound reflection through the mirror before deciding to act in any circumstance.

Resume: Matlactli Uan Ce signifies rest and circumspection in the process of evolution before proceeding with greater impetus. Chalmecatecuhtli, the Lord of Chalma represents the quality of centered reflection in persons born with the number eleven. Alotl, the macaw is lightness in attitude. Xochipilli, the son of flowers is creativity that manifests itself in relation to the science of botany.

Xochitl is the flower. Flowers are the most beautiful things we encounter in life: Nature is the most beautiful when she is covered in flowers, with colors and perfumes that enlighten our souls. With flowers the heart is joyful. When trees are flowered, we know that fruit will follow. In life everything should flower. We humans flower when we work at accomplishing deeds that are good for our families and our community. When we finish a task it is as though we created a flower. We encountered no negative aspects related to Xochitl for it represents all that we as humans contain within us. We all need to flower in our thoughts and through our actions. The persons born under this glyph are very creative and productive. That is why we affirm that Xochitl represents everything that comes to a positive ending. Xochitl is present in the arts, in music, in dance, in painting and generally in everything related to the arts, thus the phrase, in xochitl in cuicatl, la flor y canto, the flower and the song. Those persons that have a direct relationship with Xochitl should be of pure spirit, with a clear voice, and a strong will.

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