UPCOMING: Honoring Los Seis de Boulder & Symbols of Resistance

2-5 PM on steps of TB-1


Family and friends of Los Seis de Boulder are hosting a memorial service in their honor on the steps of TB-1. Six $5,000 scholarships will be announced, a mix of entertainment and talks will take and participants will be encouraged to share memories. An exhibit with historic photos, video, art and memorabilia will be on display. Light refreshments will be served.

The gathering at TB-1 is the culmination of a series of video documentaries of the Symbols of Resistance that have been shone in communities around the state in recent months.

Los Seis de Boulder are six activists who died in two car bombings in May 1974. Their deaths brought an end to a 19-day occupation of the United Mexican American Economic Opportunity Program offices in Temporary Building 1. They are: Reyes Martinez, his girlfriend Una Jaakola and Neva Romero died on May 27. The next day an impromptu memorial service for them was held on the steps of TB-1. Florencio Granado and Heriberto Teran were in attendance. Granado made a passionate speech and Teran read a poetic eulogy he had composed. The next night, May 29, Granado, Teran and a Francisco Doughterty were killed in the second bombing and Antonio Alcantar was severely injured.

The other Symbols of Resistance are Ricardo Falcon, Luis Junior Martinez and Carlos Zapata — All who died in the Chicano Movement in Colorado.

On May 28, 2024, at 6p.m. there will be a sculpture installed at 17th Street and Pearl Ave. by the City of Boulder. The new sculpture is the work of Jasmine Baetz, the artist who designed the sculpture at TB-1.

On May 21, Norlin Library in conjunction with Colorado State University Pueblo’s Colorado Chicano Movement Archives will display artifacts from their collections.

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