Retoños de Resistencia – Heriberto Terán


Heriberto Terán

October 12, 1949
Yei Cuauhtli
3 Aguila

3 Eagle

Yei is the number three. In the murals of Teotihuacan the number three is associated with water, represented by three female figures with water flowing from their hands. It is possible that Yei derives from the Nahuatl word for blood, yeztli. Yeztli circulates through our body without any obstacles; the hotter it is it induces humans to act with valor and audacity. The number three in water and blood represents fluidity, power, and tenacity. Femininity is implicitly present in Yei. The falcon accompanies the number three.

Resume: Yei as a number is fluidity, intuition, decisiveness, and equilibrium. Yei people do not recognize obstacles with great will they accomplish their goals. Chalchihuitl I cue accompanies yei she is the one that wears a skirt made of jade and has similar characteristics adaptability, and fluidity. Yei people are very sensible but with a formidable will. Tohtli, the falcon enjoys flying very high with great agility in its movements plus a graceful appearance. Xochipilli, the son of flowers complements Yei and related directly with plants. Persons born on a Yei have great respect and love for nature and are very creative.

Cuauhtli is the eagle. Cuauhtli flies very high, it is very beautiful, and it is very strong. From high above Cuauhtli can detect smaller animals, it is impulsive and its attack is sudden and it always succeeds. Its stare is so profound to the point of striking fear. It is said that Cuauhtlis can stare directly at the sun without damaging their eyes. Our abuelas and abuelos say that the eagle is the Nahual of the sun, because the sun is a golden eagle. The Cuauhyaoquizqueh, the eagle warriors, sun warriors, wore the feathers of both the golden eagles and bald eagles.
Persons born on a Cuauhtli day are:
–They are tenacious, impulsive, and decisive.
–They have an imposing presence with a penetrating stare.
–They are agile and powerful; they reach heights easily.
–Their sight is acute and they possess a profound vision that accomplishes any objective.
–They enjoy excelling in their tasks and profession because they fly to the highest point.
–They enjoy complete freedom for they rule limitless spaces.
–They express themselves with splendor yet in seriousness they are intelligent and decisive.
They need to be careful in not abusing their strengths for personal gain.

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