Retoños de Resistencia – Francisco Dougherty


Francisco Dougherty

September 16, 1951
Chicueyi Atl
8 agua
8 water

Chicueyi is the number 8. In the number eight the second sequence of the number four comes together, where four represents the four directions, eight represents the four corners of the universe. The influences of the four corners of the world come together in chicueyi; from the four corners we receive the winds and the rains with everything that is beneficial for the sustenance of humankind. In the second sequence of four in addition to knowledge we evolve our internal physical wellbeing.

Resume: Chicueyi, the number eight is the constant integration of knowledge with actual life experiences. Tlaloc, rain is associated with the chicueyi and signifies strong decisions with a gentle approach. Persons associated with Tlaloc have a variant character that must be maintained in balance. Cuauhtli, the eagle accompanies chicueyi it is splendor, decisiveness and impulsivity, with lofty objectives. Cuauhtli is always searching for freedom of action, rapidly making decisions with precise objectives.

Atl is water. Water is the river, the swamp, the lake, and the ocean. Water is in a well or flowing from a spring. When it is in a container it takes the shape of any container, it also take the form of the river, of a cup, and the swamp. When it is absorbed it happens gradually without hurry, that is the manner the earth, the sand, and the cotton absorbs it. Atl quenches our thirst; it rejuvenates and awakens us when we bathe. Atl when quiet resembles a mirror, in the arroyos flowing through the rocks it murmurs and sings. As rain it moistens the hills and the fields so that plants may grow. With the water from the swamps the planted fields are irrigated. At the ocean’s edge its waves are like folds in a skirt. In a swollen river it roars like an animal. A constant flow or a drop of Atl will make a hole in a rock. For pre-Hispanic people the Atl glyph is sacred because it is the primordial element of life, acknowledging that all living beings in our organic composition are predominantly water. When water and fire join together they become atlachinolli, the symbol of the prowess of the warrior that all of us should be.
Persons born on an Atl day are:
–Persons that possess within the duality of patience and strength, like the drop of water that perforates a rock or the destructive force of a torrent.
–Persons that have the ability to adapt to all circumstances in life.
–Persons that are transparent in their actions and thinking just like water.
–Persons that penetrate the minds of others to suggest and teach what is.

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